modern hyatt hotel furniture manufacturer list - Do you know the main features of furniture in five-
The main features of furniture in five-star hotels are as follows: 1. The furniture in five-star hotels is of a unique style in design, and most of the furniture in five-star hotels is customized, not the kind of mass style that can be seen on the street.So in this respect alone five-star hotel furniture is much better than the general hotel furniture.
2. The furniture in five-star hotels is of a relatively high grade, no matter the design of the furniture or the material of the furniture, it belongs to the high-grade type.So when we use these furniture, we will feel very comfortable, also feel very classy.This is also one of the main reasons why many people find the furniture in five-star hotels different from the ordinary hotel furniture.
3, most of the five-star hotel at the time of custom furniture is according to consumer favorite furniture style, and the hotel's brand image to customize, so in addition to these furniture is every guests would feel comfortable, you will also feel actually cultural infiltration, can feel the brand itself has a strong brand culture.This is also the common brand does not have the characteristic.
4, five-star hotel furniture to some complex decoration and texture details into simple lines, into the modern fashion elements at the same time pay attention to the practicability and comfort of furniture, rather than showy, in order to achieve good results in product appearance design and process quality.
5, five-star hotel furniture modeling lines simple, elegant appearance, but the manufacturing process is not simple, because of its production process requirements to make delicate, accurate, the application of materials, fully reflects the height of production, very respect for materials, details do very well, has a strong personality.
6. The furniture design of five-star hotels can lay particular stress on white and light colors, or can lay particular stress on dark or light dark colors, which are minimalist and luxurious American style series. However, one color series must be unified to achieve a comfortable, durable and harmonious effect with the style of star hotels.